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@database CX.doc
@author Fin Schuppenhauer
@(C) 1994 Fin Schuppenhauer
@$VER: CX.doc 1.3 (24.09.94)
@node Main "CX.doc V 1.1 - Documentation"
@{b}@{u}CX V 1.1 - Documentation @{uu}@{ub}
1994 Fin Schuppenhauer
@{u} Chapter@{uu}
@{"What Is CX ?" link CX} .............................................. 1
@{"Installation" link Installation} .............................................. 2
@{"How To Use" link Usage} ................................................ 3
@{"Author's Address" link Address} .......................................... 4
@{"History" link History} ................................................... 5
@{"Appendicies" link Appendix} ............................................... A
@node CX "Chapter One: What Is CX ?"
@{b}@{u}Chapter One: What Is CX ? @{uu}@{ub}
CX is a replacement of the original "Exchange" program from the
Workbench. I wrote it, because I need a program with the ability
of removing all commodities in the system. And I always wanted to
write a commodity.
One of my goals was to be compatible in the using to the original
program, but also offer new methods of executing actions. You can
select all buttons and gadgets by pressing a key on your keyboard,
use the cursor keys to move around in the list of commodities and
other things.
I hope, that this version is mostly bug free.
@node Installation "Chapter Two: Installation"
@{b}@{u}Chapter Two: Installation @{uu}@{ub}
To install (and to run) CX you need an Amiga running OS 2.1.
1. Copy the CX program (and it's .info file) to any destiny of your
choice, for example
COPY (CX|CX.info) TO SYS:Tools/Commodities
If you press the following button, @{AmigaGuide} will do that for
@{"Click me to copy CX!" SYSTEM "copy (CX|CX.info) to sys:tools/commodities CLONE"}
2. Copy the desired catalogs. For example, if you prefer the german
language, do the following:
COPY Catalogs/deutsch/CX.catalog TO LOCALE:Catalogs/deutsch
Again, you can click on the next button to excute this function:
@{"Copy german catalog " SYSTEM "copy Catalogs/deutsch/CX.catalog TO LOCALE:Catalogs/deutsch CLONE"}
@{"Copy swedish catalog" SYSTEM "copy Catalogs/Svenska/CX.catalog TO LOCALE:Catalogs/Svenska CLONE"}
Currently only a german and swedish catalog file is included (default
language is english - or something like that ;-)
3. If you want this documentation in your S: directory copy it
yourself or select this button:
@{"CX.doc -> S:" SYSTEM "copy CX.doc#? TO S: CLONE"}
Included in this package are the following files:
Filename Purpose
CX the program
CX.doc this documentation
CX.guide german AmigaGuide file
CX.readme short AMINET description file
Catalogs/CX.cd catalog description file
Catalogs/empty.ct file for interpreters
Catalogs/deutsch/CX.catalog german catalog file
Catalogs/deutsch/CX.ct german catalog translation file
Catalogs/Svenska/CX.catalog swedish catalog file (translated
Catalogs/Svenska/CX_svenska.ct by Johan Billing)
sym/CommoditiesPrivate.sym symblol files
txt/CommoditiesPrivate.def defines private functions of the
txt/CX.mod source code
txt/CXCatalog.def catalog definition file
.info files
Table 2.1: Package list
@node Usage "Chapter Three: How To Use"
@next Address
@{b}@{u}Chapter Three: How To Use @{uu}@{ub}
Contents of this section:
@{"Tool Types" link ToolTypes} .............................................. 3.1
@{"The Interface Window" link Interface} .................................... 3.2
@{"The Menues" link Menues} .............................................. 3.3
@node ToolTypes "Section 3.1: Tool Types"
@toc Usage
@{u}Section 3.1: Tool Types @{uu}
You can run CX either from Workbench or Shell. The same tool types
as for the original "Exchange" program are available:
CX_POPKEY=<key codes>
This tool type defines the hot key. When you press the
@{"hot key" link Hotkey} on your terminal, CX pops up its @{"interface" link Interface} window.
The default is "control alt help".
Defines the behaviour of CX at first start. If the value of
this tool type is set to "YES" (default) than CX opens its
To set the priority of CX set this tool type. Default value
is 0.
Set to "YES" to get a requester at "dangerous" functions,
like removing all commodities.
Table 3.1: Tool Types
@node Interface "Section 3.2: The Interface Window"
@toc Usage
@next Menues
@{u}Section 3.2: The Interface Window @{uu}
The interface window looks similar to this:
|+| CX: @{"Hot Key" link Hotkey} = <control alt help> |#|
| @{"Available Commodities" link Available} Information |
| ----------------------- ------------------------------------ |
|| Commodity 1 | | CX V 1.3
1994 Fin Schuppenhauer ||
|| Commodity 2 | | Controls System Commodities ||
|| Exchange | ------------------------------------ |
|| Other Commodity | @{" Show Interface " link Show} @{" Hide Interface " link Hide} |
|| | @{"@ Active " link Enable} @{" Remove " link Remove} |
|| | @{" Disable All " link DisableAll} @{" Remove All " link KillAll} |
|------------------------ |
Figure 3.1: Interface Window
Now, just select a field and you'll get more information.
@node Available "3.2.1 Available Commodities"
@toc Interface
3.2.1 Available Commodities
This list view gadget shows you all available commodities. You can
select an item by using the mouse or the keyboard.
Button Function
mouse click select item
double click show item's interface
return dito
cursor up previous item
cursor down next item
shift cursor up first item
shift cursor down last item
c next item
C previous item
Table 3.2: Listview usage
In the bevel box on the right side you can see the title and a
short description of the selected commodity.
@node Show "3.2.2 Show Interface"
@toc Interface
3.2.2 Show Interface
Pressing this button opens the interface window of the selected
item (if available).
You can also press the "S" or "return" key on your keyboard.
If CX is active, you can press the @{"hot key" link Hotkey} to open CX's window.
See also:
@{"Available Commodities" link Available} (section 3.2.1)
@{"Hide Interface" link Hide} (section 3.2.3)
@{"Active / Inactive" link Enable} (section 3.2.4)
@node Hide "3.2.3 Hide Interface"
@toc Interface
3.2.3 Hide Interface
If you press this button the window of the selected item will be
You can press "H" on your keyboard.
To hide the window of CX select the item "Exchange" and press the
"Hide Interfache" button or "H".
Other ways to close CX's window are: "ESC", the close gadget, @{"menu" link Menues}
item "Quit" (in "Project" @{"menu" link Menues}) or its aquivalent "ramiga Q".
See also:
@{"Show Interface" link Show} (section 3.2.1)
@{"Tool Types" link ToolTypes} (section 3.1)
@node Enable "3.2.4 Active / Inactive"
@toc Interface
3.2.4 Active / Inactive
The cycle gadget shows you the current state of the selected item.
You can change this by pressing this button or "A" on your
@node Remove "3.2.5 Remove"
@toc Interface
3.2.5 Remove
To remove a commodity from the system press this button or "E" on
your computer keyboard.
To quit and remove CX, you can also chose "Quit" (or "ramiga Q") in
the "Project" @{"menu" link Menues}.
@node DisableAll "3.2.6 Disable All"
@toc Interface
3.2.6 Disable All
This new feature allows you to disable all commodities shown in the
@{"list" link Available}. Instead of pressing the button, you can press "D" on your
keyboard or select "Disable all" in the "Control" @{"menu" link Menues} (Shortcut:
"ramiga D").
@node KillAll "3.2.7 Kill All"
@toc Interface
3.2.7 Kill All
If you want to remove all commodities with just one click, press
this button or select "Kill all" in the "Control" @{"menu" link Menues} ("ramiga
This will also remove CX.
@node Menues "Section 3.3: The Menues"
@toc Usage
@prev Interface
@next Address
@{u}Section 3.3: The Menues @{uu}
CX comes with this menu strip:
Project Control
@{"About ... ?" link About} @{"Disable all D" link DisableAll}
@{"Hide H" link Hide} @{"Kill all K" link KillAll}
@{"Quit Q" link Remove}
Table 3.3: Menu Strip
@node About "3.3.1 About"
@toc Menues
@next Address
3.3.1 About
Shows you my @{"address" link Address} and the version of CX.
See also:
@{"Author's Address" link Address} (Chapter 4)
@node Hotkey "The Hot Key"
@{b}Hot Key@{ub}
If CX's interface window is hidden you can press the hot key and
the window pops up (but only when CX is in active state).
You can modify the hot key by changing the tooltype entry for
The actual hot key combination is shown in the window title.
See also:
@{"Tool Types" link ToolTypes} (section 3.1)
@{"The Interface Window" link Interface} (section 3.2)
@{"Active / Inactive" link Enable} (section 3.2.4)
@node Address "Chapter Four: Author's Address"
@prev Usage
@next History
@{b}@{u}Chapter Four: Author's Address @{uu}@{ub}
If you like this program send me a postcard of your hometown:
Fin Schuppenhauer
Brausspark 10
D-20537 Hamburg
If you find any bugs (I won't hope it, but there's at least one bug
in every 10 KB of source code), you may want to know my e-mail
E-Mail: schuppenhauer@informatik.uni-hamburg.de
Thanks to:
- Miloslaw Smyk (author of "CxCommander"; your source was very
helpful to me)
- Martin Mengle & Bernd Jessel (authors of "CXHandler" for
inspirations in the interface design)
- Johan Billing (swedish catalog)
- Donald, Nico Johannisson, Michael Wagner
@node History "Chapter Five: History"
@prev Address
@{b}@{u}Chapter Five: History @{uu}@{ub}
Version Remark
V 1.0 first release
V 1.1 better user interface included;
removed bug; when CX received a ListChg event it crashes
(you should not doing things with a window when there's no
one available);
removed bug; if you close CX interface window by selecting
the close gadget or menu item "Hide" an msg was sent to an
non-existing reply port -> system crashes;
english documentation
V 1.3 now font sensitive (suggested by various people);
new tool type "REQUESTER";
new requester, when removing all commodities (controlable
via tool type) (suggested by Johan Billing);
menu shortcuts localized;
swedish catalog file (translated by Johan Billing)
@node Appendix
@{b}@{u}Appendix @{uu}@{ub}
@{u} Section@{uu}
@{"Key Codes" link KeyCodes} .................................................. A.1
@node KeyCodes "Appendix A.1: Key Codes"
Key Function
a,A De-/Activate selected commodity
c Move to the next item
C Move to the previous item
d,D Disable all commodities
h,H Hide interface of the selected commodity
r,R Remove the selected commodity
s,S Show interface of the selected commodity
ESC Close CX's window
RETURN Show interface window of the selected commodity
Cursor down Move to the next (or first) item
Cursor up Move to the previous (or last) item
Shift down Move to the bottom of the list
Shift up Move to the top
AMIGA-D Disable all commodities
AMIGA-H Hide CX's window
AMIGA-K Remove all commodities
AMIGA-? Show authors address
click (on item) show information
doubleclick (on item) show its interface window
Table A.1: Key Codes